Why Freshmen Fail

“I didn’t expect to find it so interesting that I would read it from start to finish in one sitting. The book is chock-full of good advice.” – Janice Campbell

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Kindle Edition

Are you ready for college?

Each year bright-eyed freshmen arrive on campus anticipating success and the freedom—finally—to enjoy life as an adult. But too many of those students fail to complete their first year.

It happens, as Professor Carol explains from personal experience.

Some students may enter college for the wrong reasons. Some may be overwhelmed by academic or social pressures. Some may discover that their goals and motivations have changed or are not well matched with their chosen institution. And some students need more time and breadth of experience before entering college.

As a tenured professor at Southern Methodist University, Dr. Carol Reynolds watched students come and go, listened to their frustrations, and helped to put some of them back on track. She explains that failure is often predictable . . . and avoidable!

Why Freshmen Fail reflects Professor Carol’s personal experience and observations in the trenches. More than that, she offers a lighthearted prescription, to students and parents alike, for avoiding the pitfalls and turning college into a rewarding experience.

Why Freshmen Fail: And How to Avoid It asks the questions that entering freshmen often fail to ask. Intended for parents and students alike, this indispensable guide includes “Tips for Flourishing in College”—practical advice to help students cope with institutions, difficult professors, and the unexpected problems that await new college students.

Publ. by Silver Age Music (2016)
153 pages
Illustrations by Paul Bass