Friday Performance Pick – 220

Bach, Es ist vollbracht (St. John Passion)

Bouts, Passion Altarpiece (c. 1455)

J.S. Bach wrote two Passions: The Passion According to St. John and The Passion According to St. Matthew. A Passion presents the Gospel texts for Good Friday in dramatic form. Passion plays became popular in medieval times as a way of presenting the story in a sung narrative with singers taking on specific roles.

In the Renaissance, Passions were adapted to the style of motets, one of the more popular genres of the day. The advent of opera marks the beginning of the Baroque Era. But theaters were closed during Lent. Composers turned instead to the Oratorio (unstaged opera) that could be performed in prayer halls (oratoria) without running afoul of Lenten restrictions. The oratorio proved a very effective way of setting musical drama with operatic devices and for setting the Good Friday narrative. Bach’s Passions, at the culmination of the Baroque period, mix recitative and arias with choruses and Protestant chorales.

Es ist vollbracht expounds on one of Christ’s Seven Last Words: It is finished.

Es ist vollbracht,
Trost für die gekränkten Seelen.
Die Trauer nacht
Lässt mich die letzte Stunde zählen.

Held aus Juda siegt mit Macht
Und schliesst den Kampf

It is fulfilled,
Comfort for the afflicted spirits.
The night of woe
Lets me count the last hours.

Hero of Judah triumphs with strength
And ends the strife