Friday Performance Pick – 75

Tarquinio Merula, Ballo detto Pollicio

merulaTarquinio Merula (1595-1665) probably doesn’t show up on your iTunes playists (or mine). And his music is not what I expected to find in my email inbox a short while back. But that’s where I found it, and since it came from Voices of Music, it had to be worth checking out. You too might want to consider subscribing to this ensemble’s new releases.

The early baroque period (c. 1600-c. 1750) seems to be mostly about Italians (especially Monteverdi), and the late baroque mostly about Germans (especially Bach). Merula worked primarily in Cremona, but he bounced back and forth between Cremona and Bergamo as a result of some personal conflicts and shortcomings. I don’t usually dig into biographical details unless they explain something relevant to the music or have a place in general history.

Voices of Music is based in San Francisco and has concerts scheduled in that general area. You are likely to find similar organizations dedicated to performing renaissance and baroque music in other metropolitan areas across the country. These groups frequently attract excellent musicians. With performances in smaller venues and at less expensive prices, this can be a great way to experience live music.